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Blog / Product Updates

AI summaries

New; AI summaries make it easier than ever to stay coordinated.

Work in the open

Put cross-team coordination on autopilot with Open Teams.

Your new, live team directory

Know who’s doing what, who’s working with who, and what every team has going on.

Keep a Steady Beat

Introducing Steady, a human-centered approach to taming modern work.

Status Hero -> Steady

What the change to Steady means for current Status Hero customers.

Cross-team goals

New; keep multiple teams and entire companies aligned, with cross-team goals.

More goals for more people in more places

This release includes deeper goal nesting, goal contributors, goals on profiles, and inline goal updates.

Share one check-in with multiple teams

This release delivers one of our most popular feature requests; checking into multiple teams with a single check-in.

An all new Check-in dashboard

This release includes an all new Check-in dashboard, and updates to Reports, Insights, and profiles.

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