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More goals for more people in more places

This release includes deeper goal nesting, goal contributors, goals on profiles, and inline goal updates.

September 28th, 2023

by Adam Stoddard

in Product Updates

Over the last few weeks, we shipped four updates that make Goals more flexible, more impactful, and more useful. Here’s how.

Deeper goal nesting

Before, you could make “Team” goals, and nest “Contributor” goals under them. That’s a common pattern for goals, but not the only pattern. So we simplified things. Now any goal can have a sub-goal, and you can nest goals up to four levels deep. While we were at it, we polished up the UI for goal to make more complex nested goal structures easy to read and easy to navigate.

multi-nesting goals in Status Hero

Goal contributors

In real life and in Status Hero, goals have owners. In real life – and now in Status Hero – goals have contributors. Adding contributors to Status Hero does two things:

  1. Build a concrete map of who’s doing what. Contributors show up on goal cards and on the sidebars of individual goals alongside owners, which makes it crystal clear as to who’s involved and how.
  2. Keep goals top of mind for contributors. If you’re an owner of a goal in Status Hero, it’ll show up in the sidebar when you check-in. It’s a small-yet-powerful tool that helps you stay focused. Contributors get that benefit now too. Instead of goals collecting dust after the quarterly kickoff, they stay in sight and top of mind.

goal contributors in Status Hero

Goals on member profiles

If you’re regularly wondering what the current big thing is for folks, this one is for you. We now show any goals that people own or contribute to in their profile sidebar. Alongside their check-ins, this makes member profiles a robust, one stop shop for catching up on what teammates and co-workers have been up to.

goals on member profiles

Inline goal updates

Finally, we made a set of improvements to goal updates that help you quickly get up to speed on progress. Instead of showing the title and linking off to an separate page, we now show full updates inline on the main page. That means you can just scroll and scan to get the complete story on what happened. Long posts are truncated with a “keep reading” overflow to make things even more scan-friendly.

We added inline comments and reactions for updates while we were at it. That way, you can read comments or add your own without losing your spot.

inline goal updates

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