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Cisco Spark-ilicious

November 2nd 2016

Yesterday, Rowan Trollope and the collaboration team at Cisco announced several new enhancements to their suite of enterprise tools at the Cisco Partner Summit.

Chief among them was the release of the Spark Depot, a library of bots and integrations that work with Cisco’s Spark communication platform.

We’re pleased as punch to be included in the Depot directory. Starting today, you can hook up Status Hero to Spark.

In Spark, the friendly @statushero bot takes care of collecting daily check-ins, and beautiful status reports, including participation and goal completion metrics, are compiled and broadcast to you and the team in Spark. Blocking issues are highlighted so you can jump on them right away.

Status Hero Spark Check-in List

Status Hero Spark Check-in Summary

Everything is customizable, including time zones, active team members, notification times, check-in questions, observer accounts, individual vacation days, and team holidays.

You’ll be able to compare goals against actual accomplishments, eliminate cumbersome standup meetings, and jump on blocking issues that prevent your team from getting stuff done.

If your team is on Spark (or thinking about getting on it) you won’t want to miss out on this integration.

Well, what are you waiting for?

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