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Blog / Teamwork

5 Types of Meetings Remote Teams Need

For teams making the transition to remote work, one of the biggest challenges is communicating effectively. Meetings are often the main channel for sharing i...

The Five Agile Meetings Explained

Learn how the five key agile meetings improve collaboration and productivity on your team.

5 Best Practices for Effective Team Meetings

Meetings don’t have to be something your team dreads or tries to avoid. The key is to make them effective and worthwhile. Check out these 5 best practices to...

Project Management on a Remote Team

Project management is hard. It can be even harder on a remote team. Learn to successfully manage a project while embracing the freedom and independence that ...

Increasing Focus With No Meeting Days (or Weeks!)

In a world where it's accepted that meetings are bad yet unavoidable, what’s the solution? How can we balance making time to get things done with the need to...

Project Management with GitLab

GitLab is great for teams looking to manage the entire DevOps lifecycle inside of a single platform, with many teams using its project management features in...

Project Management with GitHub

Struggling to manage projects in GitHub? Learn how to use its features alongside third party tools to get organized and effectively run a project in GitHub.

Fixing Communication Debt In Remote Work Environments

While communication is critical, without discipline around managing it, team members end up dealing with a constant barrage of notifications and messages. So...

Making Time To Act Deliberately

As a leader, making time to act deliberately, plan long-term projects, and prioritize problems that need to be solved are among your most important functions...

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