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Blog / Teamwork

How to Foster a Self-Managed Team

Creating self-managed teams comes with some risks, but it also offers multiple benefits for your organization. Learn how to establish, manage, and foster the...

Trust-Building Activities That Remote Teams Can Use

Use these trust-building activities that are designed for remote teams to boost psychological safety and improve relationships on your team.

Building a Cohesive Team: Challenges and Tips for Leaders

Team cohesion is one of the most important factors for your success as a leader. Use these tips to overcome common challenges and build a strong and healthy ...

Measuring Engineering Team Performance

Traditional metrics used to judge engineering team performance are easy to game, especially when they're focused on outputs vs. outcomes. Learn which metrics...

Five 5-Minute Team-Building Activities for Remote Teams

Fostering a sense of camaraderie and team spirit with fun and easy team-building activities helps boost morale, create friendly bonds between teammates, and ...

A Leader’s Role in Setting and Meeting Team Goals

Team goals can be motivational, provide insight into how your processes are performing, foster collaboration and innovation, and ensure that everyone’s work ...

The Scrum Ceremonies Used by Agile Teams

Learn how the scrum ceremonies help agile teams plan, work, and communicate efficiently.

Distributed Agile: Tips and Best Practices for Global Teams

A distributed team enables you to draw from a much larger talent pool but can come with some challenges, especially in an Agile environment. Use these tips t...

Scrum Estimation: Tips for Improving Engineering Estimates

Accurate estimation is critical for managing project timelines and stakeholder expectations. Yet many teams struggle to do it effectively. Use these tips to ...

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