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Blog / Teamwork

Project Management with GitHub

Struggling to manage projects in GitHub? Learn how to use its features alongside third party tools to get organized and effectively run a project in GitHub.

Fixing Communication Debt In Remote Work Environments

While communication is critical, without discipline around managing it, team members end up dealing with a constant barrage of notifications and messages. So...

Making Time To Act Deliberately

As a leader, making time to act deliberately, plan long-term projects, and prioritize problems that need to be solved are among your most important functions...

Signs You Might Be a Bad Manager

Are you a bad manager? Learn to spot the behaviors that signal you might be, while you still have time to correct them.

Comparing Scrum, Kanban, and Lean Methodologies

There are multiple Agile approaches available to use, but when and how to use them depends on your product, team, and goals.

Making Remote Team Building Fun

On remote teams, it can be tough to build camaraderie, trust, and psychological safety. The goods news is there are many fun ways you can bring your team clo...

Everything You Need to Know About Standups

Whether you're new to standup meetings or just looking to make them more effective, we've got you covered.

A Comparison of Waterfall and Agile Methods

Learn the advantages and disadvantages of Waterfall and Agile methods so you can choose the one that's right for your team.

The Rituals of Agile Development

Learn about the history, terminology, process, and rituals behind the agile development methodology.

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