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PwC's 2024 Workforce Radar report

4 stand-out takeaways from the consulting giant's research

October 16th, 2024

by Henry Poydar

in Teamwork

PwC released their 2024 Workforce Radar report (an 8MB PDF). The 4 most interesting bits to me:

1️⃣ Hybrid workers seem to be happier in their jobs than both fully remote and fully in-office employees. They were more likely to feel engaged, that they belong, and that they are appropriately compensated. They also were more likely to say their cultures promoted community, collaboration, inclusion, and belonging. Will be interesting to see how that continues to evolve in 2025.

2️⃣ 86% of business execs think their employees have a high degree of trust in the company. Only 67% of the employees agreed. That’s a significant disconnect.

3️⃣ The diffusion of AI adoption was interesting. 57% of male employees said they’ve used GenAI at work, while only 32% of female employees said the same. And only 20% of individual contributors said so, while more than two thirds of upper management did.

4️⃣ I laughed out loud when I read this line - ”97% of human resource leaders agree that their organization’s benefits are differentiated from their competitors”. I’m sure they’re all right 🙂.

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