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Steady updates - 25.01.1

Automatic absence syncing, notification improvements, and more

January 16th, 2025

by The Steady Team

in Product Updates

With Echoes in open beta, we took some time to make some key quality of life improvements to notifications and absence management. Read on to learn more.

Rich text notifications in Slack

💬 Rich notifications everywhere

Before this update, notifications for check-ins, goal updates, and Echoes included a truncated plain text preview of the content that’d you’d see once you click through to the app. After this update, it’s not a preview, it’s the full content, just like you’d see in your Daily Digest in Steady. So if you prefer to catch up right in Slack, Teams, or your inbox, now you can.

And to make sure that people still know that their updates are getting read, we’re tracking reads from Slack and email.

1:1 check-in notifications in Slack

💡 1:1 check-in notifications

The Daily Digest in Steady includes both individual check-in from teammates and team summaries, but external notifications have been summary-only. No longer. A new notification option lets you receive individual check-in notifications in Slack, Teams, and email. This is a separate setting from the check-in summary notification, so you can tailor your notifications exactly how you want them. Want to read check-ins as soon as they come in? Turn on 1:1 notifications. Want to keep noise down? Turn on summaries only.

If you want to use the new 1:1 check-in notifications, you can turn them on in your personal preferences.

If you’re using the legacy Slack / Teams channel notifier, it’s a great time to switch to our new Slack and Teams integrations, with benefits like one-time account-wide setup, personalized user-level notifications, and new AI features like Team Highlights & Echoes.

the absences calendar in Steady

🗓️ Automatic absence syncing from Google Calendar

Better absence management has been a long running request, which makes us very happy to share this update. Instead of having to manually add absences in Steady, any Out of Office events you create in Google calendar will sync automatically with Steady. That means most people can just… stop thinking about absence management in Steady completely, which is the way it should be.

And if you’re using Outlook, don’t fret. We’re actively working on an Outlook integration that’ll do the same thing (and track meeting activity, like the Google calendar integration does today).

If you haven’t hooked up your Google Calendar to Steady, you can do so here.

🗞️ What else is happening?

Thanks for reading.

— The team at Steady

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