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Increasing accountability

As a leader, you want to promote a transparent culture where everyone takes accountability for their work. Steady makes that easy since teams are "open" by default. Working in the open is a powerful tool for breaking down silos, building trust, and keeping multiple teams aligned and working in the same direction without constant meetings.

Open teams and user profiles

Since teams in Steady are open by default, you'll increase overall awareness and visibility across your organization by surfacing what each team and person is focused on and the progress they're making. Teams & People is a directory of profiles that are one-stop-shops for everything going on with that team/person.

Live Goals

Live Goals drive ownership and accountability. Each Live Goal has a single owner responsible for creating updates on their goals, which are shared with the broader team to keep everyone in the loop. Contributors can also provide updates, but there is always a single, directly responsible individual.

With Live Goal reminders sent automatically and surfaced on the Digest, they're impossible to forget about.

If goal updates stop, it's a signal for leaders to check in with its owner because it's a signal that progress has stalled out.

Insights and Activity

The Insights and Activity pages let you analyze your data for deeper insights into the impact teams and people are having. Insights gives you a way to see check-in trends over time, across teams, on individual teams, and at the user level.

Activity lets you drill down into specific types of integration and app activity.