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Increasing productivity

Using check-ins and goals to free up large blocks of working time

When you start using async check-ins and live goal updates, you'll realize just how much time is spent in meetings sharing that same information. By eliminating the ramp-down, meeting time, and spin-up, your team gets much more unbroken focus time to make meaningful progress on what matters.

More focus time equals a happier and more productive team, which means better quality, engagement, and retention.

Keeping people focused on the right work

One of the biggest challenges to productivity is a lack of awareness and alignment of the top priorities. And the bigger you grow, the worse it gets.

Steady’s Live Goals solve that by putting all of the top priorities on a single page. Teams know exactly where they need to be focused, and you know exactly where everything stands.

When team members plan their day, the goals they own or contribute to are listed on the check-in page, keeping the top priorities front and center and ensuring they're never lost in a spreadsheet, PowerPoint deck, or wiki page.

You get the confidence that your teams are working on what matters, and they get the visibility, clarity, and ownership to drive those initiatives forward.

Building a proactive culture

When everyone has the context of what the top priorities are and where each other is focused, they can take ownership and be proactive in planning and executing their day. Instead of absorbing commands, each team member declares their intentions. They decide what the 2-3 top goals are for the day and share them with the team. Everyone gets full context, and team members can execute without waiting on directives.

And since managers will see each person's intentions, they can jump in and course correct, offer assistance, or connect them to subject matter experts who can help.

Team members will have more ownership and autonomy, increasing job satisfaction and retention.