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Getting your team onboard

Process change can be challenging, so it's important to build a strong case for using Steady with your teams. Help them understand the benefits for them and the impact using Steady will have on their day-to-day.

  • Provide context: Hold a meeting or send an email explaining how Steady fits into the broader team and organizational goals.
  • Outline the benefits: Steady brings unique benefits to other leaders, managers, and contributors. Make sure each group understands the impact that Steady will have for them.
  • Set clear expectations: Be explicit about what's expected from your teams.
  • Address concerns: Allow for questions, concerns, or potential hurdles. Be transparent about how the process will evolve over time and the flexibility for adjustments.

Onboard your management team first

The first step is to get your managers bought in. Share our Steady for Managers guide with detailed information on how Steady works, how to use asynchronous communication loops to stay coordinated in their team, and how to get and keep engagement high.

Benefits for managers

  • Stronger cross-team alignment. Steady focuses your teams around a shared vision where everyone knows what to do and why. The result is improved cross-team collaboration, less infighting, and stronger performance across the board. You'll always have the information you need to respond to questions and requests from other teams, saving you from interrupting or "shoulder tapping" your team for updates and info.
  • No surprises, smooth projects. Steady's Live Goals provide a live, high-level view of progress and confidence that eliminates surprises. Clear intention-setting minimizes duplicate work and helps you course correct proactively.
  • Better engagement & morale. One of your responsibilities as a manager is keeping your team engaged and morale high. With more heads down time, more flexibility, less busy work & overhead, and a clear vision of how everyone's work fits into the big picture, your team has a recipe for strong engagement and high-performance.
  • Higher productivity through removing meetings. When you consider the impact of a typical meeting, you realize just how costly they are to productivity. By eliminating the ramp-down, meeting time, and spin-up, your team gets unbroken focus time to make meaningful progress on what matters.

Lead by example

Start using Steady with your leadership and management teams. Build out your initial high-level Live Goals and provide daily check-ins. The benefits of this approach are two-fold:

  • Everyone will gain a deeper understanding of how Steady works and will be better equipped to onboard their teams. Instead of everyone learning at the same time, you'll already have product experts on the team who can assist others.
  • You'll build a repository of Live Goals, check-ins, and data that new team members can reference for guidance and use as an example when crafting their own.

Rollout to additional teams

As your management team gets into the habit of providing goal updates and check-ins, they'll have a deeper understanding of the benefits across the organization and they'll be able to answer questions and concerns from the team. They'll be equipped to coach their team members on best practices and guide them to getting the most out of Steady.

Managers can get more detailed onboarding guidance in the "Keeping your team in sync" section of the Steady for Managers guide.

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