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Add teams

To add a new team to your Steady account, go to the Teams & People page and select the + Add team button at the top of the page to access the quick team setup flow.

You can also go to the Account Management - Teams section, where you will see a button to “+ Add team.”

Configuring your team settings

Steady is built to work out of the box, so no customization is required. There are a few customizations you can make depending on your team and workflow, like the days of the week when check-ins are collected and visibility settings.

Check-in collection days

To change your team's check-in collection days, go to the Teams & People page, select "Team Settings" from the menu on the corresponding team. Then select "Check-ins" from the left-hand menu and click to enable or disable check-ins for the corresponding day.

Your team members will be prompted to provide check-ins on the highlighted days.

Team Visibility

We’re big believers in the benefits of working in the open, which is why new teams' visibility defaults to open.

When a team is open, users outside of the team can view its check-ins and live goal updates, increasing awareness and coordination across teams. When it's private, updates are only visible to team members.

To update the Team visibility setting, go to the Teams & People page and select "Team Settings" from the menu on the corresponding team. Then select the "General: section and select from the Team visibility dropdown.

Teams & People

The Teams & People page in Steady makes it easy to keep track of who does what, who's working with who, and what every team has going on. Unlike static docs in Notion or the org chart in your HR tool, this is a live team directory that’s reflective of how people are actually getting work done together.

Along with the directory, team profiles showcase everything happening at the team-level, from progress made on high-level goals to daily check-ins.

You can quickly see all your teams at a glance and know who’s a part of what efforts. Team descriptions make it even easier to know what each team does.

To view a team's profile, click on the team's name.

Tip: Add a description to your team or a bio to your profile and make it easier for your organization to know what you or your team are all about.