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When you connect Steady and Asana, Steady will match up relevant Asana task updates to your team members. Their updates will appear in their check-ins and on in the Activity page.

Once a few activities have been logged, you can use the auto-complete functionality in check-ins and comments to auto-link to issues in your Asana account. Simply type # and a string of text that is part of your Asana item and you'll be able to select and auto-insert a link to it.

Set up

To set up Asana, visit the Account - Integrations page. Open the Asana panel and click the "Connect Asana" button. You'll be prompted to authorize the integration by Asana.

Once connected, select the Asana projects you'd like to include.

When someone from your team adds, updates, or completes a task in the selected project(s), Steady will add the activity to their check-in.

To test it out, make a change in a selected Asana project and look for a new entry on the Activity page.


  • Look for updates on the Activity page first. The dashboard will sum up updates from the previous period. (The check-ins essentially say "here's what I did yesterday, and here is all of the Asana activity to go along with that.")
  • Make sure that the people making updates in Asana match up either by email or by first and last name with people on your team in Steady. If you or a team member is using a different email address in Asana, set the secondary email address to match the one used in Asana.
  • Steady won't be able to record data retroactively. Make sure you generate some activity in Asana in order to test things out after you've set up the connection.