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When you connect Bitbucket repositories to Steady, Steady will match up relevant push events to your team members. The commits in the push event will appear in the Activity page and alongside their check-ins.

Once a few activities have been logged, you can use the auto-complete functionality in check-ins and comments to auto-link to issues in your Bitbucket account. Simply type # and a string of text that is part of your Bitbucket item and you'll be able to select and auto-insert a fully formatted link to it.

Set up

First, visit the Account Settings - Integrations page in Steady and copy the URL listed under the Bitbucket panel.

Then, open the Bitbucket repository you want to connect and click through to "Repository settings"

From there, select "Webhooks" and click on the "Add webhook" button.

Fill in "Steady" for the title, then paste the URL that you copied from Steady and click "Save."

You can add as many repos as you want to your Steady team using the same webhook URL.

To test it out, make a push with a new commit in the Bitbucket repo and look for a new entry on the Activity page.


  • Look for commits on the Activity page first. The check-ins on the dashboard will sum up commits from the previous period. (The check-ins essentially say "here's what I did yesterday, and here are all the commits to go along with that.")
  • Make sure that the commit authors (not the person who "pushed" to the repo) match up either by their Bitbucket display name or Bitbucket username with the first and last name of the people on your team in Steady.
  • The commits have timestamps that are different from when they are pushed to the repo, and we use the commit timestamps to match up with check-ins. So if you pushed commits that are a few days old to a repo, they will appear with older check-ins, or discarded if they happened before you created your Steady account or added the author as a Steady team member.
  • If you are using the cloud version of Bitbucket, check to make sure the email address that is being used in Bitbucket matches the email address that is being used in Steady. If you or a team member is using a different email address in Bitbucket, set the secondary email to match the one used in Bitbucket.