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When you connect Teamwork to Steady with a webhook, Steady will match up activity to your team members based on their names. Then, their Teamwork activity appears on the Activity page and alongside their check-ins automatically.

Set up

To set it up, first, visit the Integrations page in Account Settings in Steady. Open the Teamwork panel, enter your Teamwork domain, and click "Save." Next, copy the URL listed under "Endpoint URL."

Then, log in to Teamwork, open your Avatar menu, and select "Settings." Then click "Webhooks" at the top.

Make sure that webhooks are enabled and then click "Add Webhook." In the "Webhook Event" drop-down, select one of the following supported options (if you'd like to see other actions supported, let us know!):


In the "Endpoint URL" field, paste the URL that you copied from Steady and click "Add Webhook."

Repeat this process for each of the activities that you want to have automatically included in Steady. We recommend setting up all four.

That's it. Teamwork updates will now appear on the Activity page and alongside team member check-ins.


  • Look for updates on the Activity page first. The dashboard will sum up updates from the previous period. (The check-ins essentially say "here's what I did yesterday, and here is all of the Teamwork activity to go along with that.")
  • Check to make sure the full name used in Teamwork matches the full name (first and last) used in Steady.
  • Steady won't be able to record data retroactively. Make sure you generate some activity in Teamwork in order to test things out after you've set up the connection.