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Once you connect your team's Zoom account to Steady, you and the team will be able to see past Zoom meeting events and recordings alongside your check-ins.

Once Zoom is connected, you'll see past Zoom meetings from your team's Zoom account included in team member check-in activity, as shown below. Team members will also be able to see their past Zoom meetings in their check-in previews, reminding them of the meetings they've participated in.

We'll even add up the total time spent in Zoom meetings for each team member and the team as a whole.

Set up

To use the Zoom integration, you'll need the ability to install applications from the Zoom App Marketplace in your Zoom account.

To connect Steady and Zoom, first visit your Account Management - Integrations page. Then, pop open the Zoom pane, select the "Connect Zoom" button, and Zoom will prompt you to authorize Steady.

That's it! Zoom is now connected and set up to notify Steady when Zoom meetings are completed. Steady will match up Zoom hosts and participants with Steady team members based on their email addresses.

If your team is on a Pro Plan with Zoom and Cloud Recordings are enabled, Zoom meeting recordings will be linked to the listings when available.

To test it out, first make sure your Steady email address (or secondary email address) matches your Zoom email address, then host a Zoom meeting and look for a new entry on the Activity page.


There are two ways to disconnect Zoom and Steady:

  1. From within Steady, visit your Account Management - Integrations page and click open the Zoom panel. Then click on the "Remove Zoom connection" link.
  2. From within Zoom, visit the App Marketplace while logged in, click through to "Installed Apps", then click the "Uninstall" button next to Steady.


  • Look for updates on the Activity page first. The dashboard will sum up updates from the previous period. (The check-ins essentially say "here's what I did yesterday, and here is all of the Zoom meetings to go along with that.")
  • Make sure that the people hosting or attending Zoom meetings match up by email with people on your team in Steady. If you or a team member is using a different email address in Zoom, set the secondary email address to match the one used in Zoom.
  • Steady won't be able to associate data retroactively. Make sure you generate a meeting in Zoom in order to test things out after you've set up the connection.