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Steady is all about giving you and your team maximum context for minimum effort. That first part — maximum context — is what Steady’s Daily Digest is all about. It’s a personalized noise-free feed of context-rich summaries and updates, pushed to you automatically.

So instead of sitting through a bunch of meetings, tools, and hunting for information, you just… read your digest.

Your digest includes three key types of content; daily check-ins from your team, weekly/bi-weekly/monthly goal updates from any goals that you're involved in, and Echoes.

Check-ins and goal updates work at different "zoom levels", but both cover what happened, and critically, what's next. Everything you need to keep in tight sync with your teams, and informed about what's going on around you without getting buried in noise and unimportant details.

Echoes provide you with automated summaries and insights across check-ins, live goals, and integration activity,

Team-level progress at a glance

Steady uses the inverted pyramid approach extensively to help you get up to speed quickly. One of the ways that takes shape in the Daily Digest is with Team Highlights; AI-enhanced summaries that distill everyone’s intentions down to single sentences and roll up activity across the team. They stay pinned above all the check-ins for a given team so that you always have the bigger picture before you start getting into the details.

When you are ready to focus on the details, you can click through to a focused view of all the check-ins involved.