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Legacy team-level Slack

If you're an older account, you're grandfathered into access to our legacy team-level Slack app, "Status Hero".  Here are the docs for the Steady version of the Slack app.

Once connected, the @statushero bot will take care of checking in your team and collecting daily goals. (You can always tweak reminder times, time zones, check-in questions, frequency, and other settings.)

Whenever someone on your team checks in, their update is neatly formatted and broadcast to the #channel of your choice in Slack.

Set up

To set it up, visit the Team Settings - Integrations page, open the “Slack” panel, and click on the “Add to Slack button”.

The app will only connect with the people in your Slack account who are also Steady team members - it does this by matching email addresses. It won't connect everyone in your Slack workspace unless you add them all to Steady.

You can add other people from your Slack account to Steady by clicking on the “Add members from Slack” button on the Team members page.

Switching the Slack channel

To switch the channel, you'll essentially remove and re-add the the integration in Slack. But don't worry, none of your existing data will be lost or affected.

First, remove the Slack integration from within the team settings in Steady by clicking on the "Remove Slack connection" link. Then, click the "Add to Slack" button to re-integrate with Slack.

Private channels

When you integrate with a private channel in Slack, you'll need to take an extra step within the channel in order to take advantage of all of the features from the bot. Those features include automatic updates to edited check-ins and rolling up check-ins into a single thread.

Essentially you'll be adding the bot as you would another person to the channel, which is an additional security step required by Slack for private channels.

First, visit the private channel, select the channel name at the top, and then go to the "Integrations" tab on the window that opens. Then, select "Add an App", search for Status Hero, and click the "Add" button. That's it!