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Writing great goal updates, fast

When you're an owner of a goal, you'll get reminders and post weekly goal updates that let your team know how much progress has been made, your confidence level in reaching the goal, and any other important details.

When posting an update, enter the highlight or big takeaway as the Summary. Use the body to provide more context. Remember to start with the key points, getting into more detail as you go and following the principles of the inverted pyramid.

Ask yourself, what does my team need to know, and what can't be seen already from connected activity? You want your updates to get read, so try to make it interesting and keep your audience in mind.

If your goal has sub-goals, every sub-goal update since your last update is listed in the sidebar, and you can (and should) use the Quick Fill button in the rich text editor to generate summaries of each one of those updates. You can use those summaries at the end of your update for anyone who wants to read more (the summaries link to the original updates), or you can use them as a starting point for your update. Your call.

Once you publish your update, everyone involved and every follower will get the update in their Digest and any notification channels they have configured. Even better, every update gets added to the goal page to create a complete, end-to-end story of progress on a single page.

That's all there is to it; everyone aligned, everyone informed, no surprises, no meetings.