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Live Goals overview

Steady’s Smart check-ins keep individual teams in tight sync, but keeping multiple teams aligned and working in the same direction is hard. The bigger you grow, the more you suffer from lost focus, low visibility, misalignment, infighting, etc.

Steady’s Live Goals solve these common problems by putting cross-team coordination on autopilot. Here’s how they work:

  • 🎯 Build a structured set of Live Goals — assigning owners, contributors, and the teams involved for each — to build a canonical source of truth for who’s doing what and why.
  • ⏰ Goal owners get reminders to post progress updates on a regular cadence. Updates collect confidence, progress, and a quick written update for instant-read and in-depth progress snapshots.
  • 📢 Goal updates are automatically delivered to all of the teams and people involved, via their Daily Digest, team chat, and/or email.

The end result is a live 30,000ft view of plans and progress, and a simple, reliable, noise and meeting-free way for teams to coordinate with each other.

Benefits of Steady's Live Goals

Live Goals maintain alignment over the long haul

It’s one thing to plan goals every quarter or year; it’s another thing entirely to actually stick with them over weeks and months. If goals exist as part of a presentation or doc that people have to actively seek out, you’re not setting yourselves up for success. Live Goals in Steady help teams maintain alignment in two unique ways:

  1. Every goal you’re participating in shows up on your daily check-in screen (which you get a reminder about). This means that when your team is planning their day, they are reminded of the major priorities, making it easy to focus on the most important things.
  2. Goal owners get reminders when it’s time for an update. That keeps goals top of mind and ensures that the current state of every goal stays fresh.

Live Goals eliminate the worst flavor of meetings

There are plenty of good meetings. In a remote or hybrid context, face time is critical for building relationships and team cohesion. And then there are status meetings. They’re usually long, usually boring, always a time and money drain. Live Goals replace status meetings with a living 30,000 foot view of where your priorities stand and blog-like updates, freeing calendars and saving a whole lot of time and money.

Live Goals maximize autonomy

Autonomy is a key component of an engaged, motivated team and the key to making

autonomy work is by giving everyone the context they need to make quality, independent decisions that are aligned with the needs of the company.

Live Goals eliminate surprises

Progress alone isn’t a reliable signal for understanding whether or not a goal is on track, because progress isn’t linear. You need a predictive signal to fill in the blanks. Live Goals track confidence alongside progress to give you a quick, clear, accurate signal of where things stand — and critically — do it early enough to be actionable.

Live Goals help teams build genuine remote & hybrid culture

Team culture doesn’t happen through bot-powered “ice-breakers”. Team culture happens when people share their successes, failures, challenges, experience, insights, and knowledge and everyone else responds in kind. Live Goals equal more trust, empathy, and respect.

Live Goals create a living 30,000-foot view of what your entire team intends to do

In most companies, it’s at minimum, an enormous effort to figure out where things stand across the entire org. With Live Goals, it’s an instant read.